What famous movies (between the '90s and '00s) have famous actors smoking cigarettes?
All around the web are many websites citing evidence that movies pair actors with cigarettes as advertisement for the big tobacco companies. However, I can't really think of any movies between the '90s and 2010 which depict smoking scenes. Please, if you can, let me know some famous scenes (from kids' movies would be especially helpful)!
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pulp fiction, the whole awkward silence scene in jack rabbit slims but he rolled his own
jaffar smoked I think in Aladin, but they weren't ads, you don't see 'pass me a Marlboro' [Stallone said that in Demolition Man] anymore, cigarette when used are usually used to depict a nature of a character or when the character needs to calm down, they are passed a cigarette. Now its pepsi logos all over the place in movies.
I think that is harmful to health smoking cigarettes, but the girls are beautiful with cigarettes,right?!