What are the affects of second hand smoke on a females fertility?
Does second-hand smoke seriously affect a females chances of getting pregnant??
This is a very important question that I need answers to b/c my boyfriend is seriously addicted to cigarettes and I need to know if this can cause problems for me to conceive in the future??!
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
New research suggests that exposure to other people’s cigarette smoke may damage a woman’s fertility, especially if she needs the help of an infertility clinic to get pregnant. It has long been known that smokers have reduced fertility, but the effect of secondhand smoke on the ability to get pregnant is unknown.
1. Smoking reduces the numbers of embryonic germ cells (55%) and somatic cells (37 %) which eventually develop into egg and sperm cells and control the future fertility of your children. The more you smoke - the more you lower your child’s fertility potential.
2. Smoking significantly reduces protamines in sperm which can cause poor sperm DNA quality. Oxidative stress - also caused by tobacco smoking - increases sperm damage too. Damaged DNA means more potential for miscarriage, and malformations.
“The results of the present study suggest a negative biological effect of smoking on spermatozoa DNA integrity.”
3. “Each stage of reproductive function, folliculogenesis, steroidogenesis, embryo transport, endometrial receptivity, endometrial angiogenesis, uterine blood flow and uterine myometrium is a target for cigarette smoke components.“
4. This large study showed that smokers had significantly lower odds of clinical pregnancy, a live birth, and higher odds of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy.
“This meta-analysis provides compelling evidence for a significant negative effect of cigarette smoking upon clinical outcomes of ART and should be presented to infertility patients who smoke cigarettes in order to optimize success rates.”
5. Even second-hand smoke can significantly impair fertility:
“Despite similar embryo quality there was a striking difference in implantation and pregnancy rates of MS (mainstream smoking) and SS (second-hand smoke) smokers when compared with NS. Our data demonstrate that the effects of SS smoking are equally as damaging as MS smoke on fertility.”
6. In females smoking can make the uterus less receptive to implantation. “Tobacco consumption determines reduced uterine receptiveness...”
7. Exposure to cigarette smoke at levels similar to human exposure cause the ovaries to loose primordial follicles reducing female fertility in mice.
8. Cigarette smoke reduces the ability of sperm to bind tightly to an egg to fertilize the egg. this can make a sperm unable to fertilize an egg, even in IVF
I was smoking right up until i was about 7 - 8 weeks pregnant - the time i found out i was pregnant and everything was fine, baby was born strong and healthy.
Good luck.
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