How many cigarettes can I bring back from inside a non-EU country?
I am aware of the 200 cigarette limit at the duty free, but am I allowed to bring back cigarettes actually bought inside the country in local shops on which tax has been paid? Or does this count as a duty-free allowance. Is it even legal?
Help would be much appreciated, as I brought back 400 cigarettes from inside Turkey last year, though I bought nothing from the duty-free. As I'm going again this year, I need to make sure I'm within a legal limit.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
From outside the EU you can only bring in 200 cigarettes, whether bought duty free or bought inside the country. It's only other EU tax that counts for bringing in more than 200.
What you should have done last year is go through the red channel and declare the excess 200. You would probably be charged a nominal amount of UK duty and still get a cheap - but legal! - deal.
I once brought in 1,200 cigarettes and my wife 400 from outside the EU. We declared the fact in the red channel. The customs officer said he wouldn't bother with my wife's, but couldn't ignore my excess and would I mind paying £? (which was about 20% of the normal duty charged in shops).
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