When is the price of alcohol going up?
I just paid 81 pence for a 4x pack of 2% volume lager from Tesco, how will the price increase effect this lager?
Yes i am poor and i like to get drunk, get over it.
BQ: Did i use the right word? effect or affect? What is the difference and how do you know which to use?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
The price of alcohol hasn't technically been put up, the government just took away the maximum that people could charge for certain drinks, so inevitably a load of places will probably bump their prices and that has already started. It was last weekend.
However cigarette's have gone up by 37p.
Oh and effect, is the effect of something. i.e. - The effect this will have is...
And affect is how something affects something. i.e - This will affect it because...
Hope this helps x
Left and SP called Bharat Bandh. The parties were also protesting against the diesel price hike and cap on subsidised LPG. While the government ...