What are the effects of smoking on a child, post delivery?
I have an oral presentation due next Thursday (Feb 8th) and did research on the internet so I do have quite a bit of research info already collected.
I want to know if there are any females out there who smoked (or were around cigarette smoke) while pregnant and if it affected your baby after birth in any way? Guys can answer this too if you smoked around your wife/gf while she was pregnant.
Anyone is welcome to answer this!
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Yes. I smoked ciggs. the whole time I was pregnant. Yes I smoke around my kid now. No it did nothing to him while I was pregnant, No it has done nothing to him smoking around him after he was born . he's 5 yrs. old now. perfect health. Yes my whole family smokes (total of 4 in the house and a ton more if you count visiting others) and No them smoking didn't harm my kid durring or after pregnancy.
Smoking and pregnancy: the facts presented by Dr Deepa Daniel. This video was produced by the Department of Health and Ageing as part of the ...