Why do I have to pay for all the lazy people on benifits?
They just take and take because they can and I am sick of it! I work on av 72 hours a week, i get nothing free, i have even had to resort to buying my precription drug from suspect places!
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I agree, I'm also fed up paying for these scroungers(disabled and sick excluded).Many have children too, which are thrown money at (our money) by the government.How many chavs have you seen with brand new baby buggies, cigarette in hand and satellite TVs all paid for by us.Who's fault is it that they are unmarried mothers (single parents?) Have they never heard of contraception.? (Granted there are some widows but we are not talking about them.)I don't mind ensuring that people and children have enough to eat but to provide these people with cigarettes and luxuries..no way.Give them food and clothing vouchers not money.Child benefit should be for the first child only, that would stop these irresponsible parasites procreating at our expense.If they had to pay for their own children their families would be much smaller.
They don't have to pay rent etc but working people earning over a certain amount have to pay for everything ..including other people's children.
Googlywo..no, pensioners have worked all their lives to provide a fund for themselves in old age, the lazy haven't.