I have taken 1 ecstasy pill, will it damage me?
I understand what I have done is wrong and yes I will not do it again, but I took it yesterday at 2:45PM and I still have a headache, is it going to do any permanent brain damage?
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Ecstacy is not wrong. Define wrong please... Murder is wrong, violence is wrong, theft, etc. is wrong. How is personal consumption for recreation labled wrong?
Ecstacy doesn't damage your brain... it's funny how people still preach this myth even after so much recent headway the FDA has made with ecstacy. It's funny how these people had enough time to somehow research all the "harmful" things about drugs, yet didn't have the time to go to college and use their access to the PEER DATABASE to actually review research studies and peer reviewed studies nationwide.
First off, as mad as this makes so many people, you did not do pure ecstacy. It was an e "pill"? That's not pure ecstacy. I don't care if you had a "triple stack" pink star, blue dolphin, mitsubishi, playboy. Any ecstacy pill, and any substance termed ecstacy that carries one of these ridiculous names... is not pure ecstacy.
Real ecstacy is purely mdma or 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. It is labled hallucinogen, stimulant, etc... even though it's real technical lable should be empathogen. Ecstacy to this very day has never shown damage to a person. I'm talking PURE ecstacy. E pills are known for having a variety of dangerous compounds while either NOT containing any ecstacy whatsoever or at the most a mear 20mg of said drug. For an average person, 60mg of pure ecstacy will induce at LOW threshold feeling. This is proper term for effectively rating the "high". Threshold means you will feel a little of the drugs effects, but for the most part remain normal. 80 mg is usually where an average person will feel the effects mildly, and up to 100 mg would be a great high. Anything over would be personal preference for the user, and/or personal requirements based on weight, height, health, etc.
MDMA works by causing a large amount of the neurochemical serotonin to be released. This chemical is one of the 3 main chemicals that directly attribute to your mood, feeling, etc.
To enlighten a little and maybe change your perspective of "wrong", go to your local emergency room. Count the amount of people there for toothaches, back pain, or any type of regular pain. What are most of them there for? Hydrocodone (Vicodin), Oxycodone (Percocet), tramadol (Ultram), Darvacet, and a host of other pain killers given out like candy. These remain legal for prescription use, but the regulation of these is so negligible that kids, teens, young adults, and adults of all ages are using them daily for a high. These drugs are mostly opiates, meaning they are in the same family as heroin, morphine, etc. The amount of people who will answer a survey and say "ecstacy is wrong" but are at the time addicted to SOME form of drug or another is astonishing.
How many people do you know who drink coffee daily? Caffiene is a stimulant, which has more health risks than ecstacy by far. Cigarettes? Take ecstacy (12 deaths per year from the "e" pills - 0 from pure ecstacy), marijuana (0 deaths, impossible to overdose), cocaine (mostly criminal related deaths and violence, albeit overdoses are more frequent in crack cocaine addicts), methamphetamines, and every recreational illicit drug. Now compare those deaths to the deaths caused by tobacco alone. If tobacco deaths were the empire state building, recreational drug deaths would be a bathroom in a 1 star motel.
You will most likely not suffer brain damage, but if I were you I'd steer clear of "e" pills. I won't sit here and tell everyone that drugs should be everyone's favorite pass time, but they sure as hell shouldn't be labled "wrong", when there are real things out there everyday we find socially acceptable that are more wrong than smoking a joint or rolling face...
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