Does pipe tobacco have the same stuff in it as cigarette tobacco?
I need to know is pipe tobacco has the same stuff in it as cigarette tobacco. My friend wants to start rolling his own cigarettes but pipe tobacco is cheaper then cigarette tobacco. Are the chemicals the same? he does not want to buy pipe tobacco then it not satisfy the nicotine urges. I looked online but found nothing.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Some pipe tobaccos these days are actually just relabeled cigarette rolling tobacco. Some companies have done this in order to avoid the higher taxes. Usually anything labeled Full Flavor, Mild, Mint, Robust or Regular is just cigarette tobacco even if the package says pipe tobacco.
Brands like 4 Aces, Largo and a few others have done this.
Some real pipe tobaccos were originally meant to be smoked both in a pipe and rolled as a cigarette. Blends like Prince Albert, Velvet, and Sir Walter Raleigh were double use tobaccos. Some even used to come with their own rolling papers. Those days are gone but the blends remain the same.
Most real pipe tobaccos do have some additives to them. Most of these additives are food grade flavorings and something to keep the tobacco from drying out while it sits on the shelf.
Most of the relabeled tobaccos have about as much additives as normal cigarettes. They tend to be much stronger tasting. Some of them can take quite a bit of getting used to. I suggest you try the smaller pouches before buying a big bag.
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