Saturday, December 22, 2012

Funny Cigarette Ads

What is the best movie have you ever watched?
This is just voting ^^
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
The very best. . .Casablana. . .I so love the old black and white movies, Gone With the Wind, Ben Hur. . .these are all six on a scale of 1 to 5. Yep Shawshank Redeption too. Shindler's List Titanic and yes the first of Trilogy of the Rings. . .so many. Erased my answer and have forgotten some.

Movies that really moved me: Platoon. . .saw it when the Vietnam War was really fresh. Everyone in the theater walked out in absolute silence. And the other was a cheapie horror movie with Donald Sutherland as Salem and a very boring Trevor Howard as a boring British detective. The movie will almost put you to sleep as DS plays a retarded guy falsely accused of killing someone and institutionalized wrongly. Then it just cuts loose and Salem does this spectacular escape to get his revenge. The entire theater stood up and was yelling Salem....Salem....DS doesn't list this on his credits so I can't find the name or find it anywhere. All I remember is the ad for the movie had a picture of a very dark asylum with a big smile on the front wall.

Movie I most enjoyed when I saw it. . .The very first Star Wars. The was the beginning of it all and it was spectacular for its time. I tried to download the music from the bar scene on my cell phone and my cheapie phone won't take it.

I'm sure I've left out lots of goodies. I'll give Star Wars a six too.

My favorite comedys. . .which I usually don't go see. . .My Blue Heaven and I laughed all the way through Waterworld. Any movie that can be based on a potload of people living on the Exxon Valdez that had a load of booze, cigarettes and spam is funny. They don't get sixes but I laughed my butt off. And add Legally Blonde to that. . .

Quit smoking add, i found it on another website and thought i would upload it here cause it's really funny