What has happened to New York City?
Under mayor Bloomberg, the place has become what a long-time-resident friend called "an amusement park for the damned".
Garbage everywhere -- especially discarded plastic containers of half-eaten stuff from the roll-away stands on every street corner. Those use open fires and propane gas, emitting fumes and foul smells. Not to mention the streets choked with cars that ignore traffic laws. Garages in all the ghettos openly offer No-Questions-Asked 2-year emission stickers for a $100 premium. Meanwhile, Bloomberg has the police handing out tickets for outdoor cigarette smoking.
The Westside nightclubs are filled with The Deciders entitled offspring drinking $1000 bottles of vodka. Every week there's another story in the paper about one of them (usually a 17-year old girl) who's gotten into trouble after leaving there shitfaced -- the most recent a consul's daughter who "fell" from a 24th floor balcony at an after-party. But we keep hearing about "Core Values".
Bloomberg plans to fire 6000+ teachers, excusing himself because the city must save money to close its deficit. The teacher's union buys a TV ad which show statistics that the city has no deficit, but a $3Bn surplus instead. Bloomberg counters by putting up his own ad, all about his being "for alll New Yorkers" and "creating jobs". Where are they? Certainly not fixing the decrepit subway or the pothole studded streets. Unless you count his $37M "accident prevention" project which consisted of changing all the street signs from green to blue.
WHEN are we going to recognize really bad governmment when we see it? From his proposed Jets Stadium on the Wast Side Highway, to his open extortion of the City Council in order to gain a 3rd term it has been clear. The man is as insane as Emperor Nero.
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Lets blame Kim Kardashian.
A campaign started by Justin Bieber in 2012.Contains Disturbing Images and Profanity..FILMED IN WA 98801