For an analogy argument, if there are such a thing called civil rights then why not smokers rights?
Smokers should have rights, of course. But don't smoke in my car, my room, my house, in the elevator if I'm in it, in the taxi, the the bus, the plane, or any other enclosed space where other people are busy breathing. Now for the flip side: There are places out at the beach where smoking isn't allowed. I know a place where one of these outdoor "no-smoking" zones is located - and people sit on the bench, a "smoke-free" bench ... Meanwhile, hundreds of automobiles pass through there each hour belching carbon monoxide and God-only-knows-what-else into the air, far more than any group of cigarette smokers could EVER produce ... but no one says anything. Quite obviously i am not suggesting that cars be banned. But an outdoor area with a fairly strong ocean breeze dzn't need to ban people from smoking. It's wildly inconsistent and those smokers would not be doing anyone else any harm. Just as long as they toss their cig butts into an ashtray and don't make any mess, there should be no problem ...
Idiots who smoke tobacco have the right to poison themselves, but not to foul the air that the rest of us have to breathe, or to use the earth as your ash-tray!
That's all the rights that you deserve!
All the 'rights' as long as you do not harm anyone else!
Smoker's rights my a$s!
What about breather's rights, moron!
New Improved, Stronger Design, These Cigarette Disposals Hold Over 14000 Cigarette Butts! Reduce fire risk and keep your facility clean with this ...