How do I use an automatic cigarette stuffing machine?
I have been filling my own cigarette tubs with the tobacco but even on the lowest setting to stuff them lightly the cigarette tobacco gets stuck in the machine or the smokes are to hard to hit. Do I need to cut the tobacco first it seems kinda stringy should I grind it in a grinder before I use the tobacco?
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It can be tricky. I'd be able to answer better if I knew what brand of tobacco you are using. Is it shag cut or pipe cut? Your problem could also be with your injector. Some of them don't work very well.
If I use a pipe cut, I put out a pile that I need for about a pack. Then I use a pair of scissors and cit it into smaller strips. I keep turning the pile and cutting until it is all cut. I wouldn't use a grinder because if you aren't careful you will get tobacco dust.
When loading the injector, I first fill both ends. Then I put some in the middle. I lightly press down and at the edges I press it towards the corners. Then I add more tobacco to fill it to the right level.
You want the tobacco hydrated but not wet or dry.
This is a forum for those of us who roll our own cigarettes. The threads that will interest you will be the ones under the heading injectors/shooters/stuffers. However, all of the topics are good. There are a lot of people on there who have figured out the tricks and they post their reviews of different tobaccos, injectors and tubes. If you join, it takes a while to get your account activated (at least a month) but you can read through all of the threads in the meantime.…
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