Good tobacco for home-made cigarettes (smokers only)?
So I've decided to start producing my own cigarettes. I was just wondering, what is a good tobacco to do this with? I've smoked Bugler before and it was alright, but short of that I have relatively 0 experience with any others. Whats your favourite? Are there any flavoured tobaccos?
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I like Ryback for a fire-cured baccy (halfzware) and Three Sails when I'm in the mood for a Virginia blend. Both are made by D&R. I get the "pipe cut" but it's a shag cut anyway so I can't tell the difference between that and cig tobacco--besides the price is only about $25 for a 14 oz bag.
This place carries the full D&R line:
This place is cheaper but doesn't carry all of the blends:…
This is a great forum that I've learned a lot from about RYO:
I've tried quite a few brands---Bugler, Bugler Gold, Criss Cross, Criss Cross Light, McClintock, Gambler, Rave, Midnight Special and Bali Blue (of those, I didn't like most of them but I liked the Bali Blue best by far). But I like the D&R blends more than anything else. I also love some of the Peter Stokkebye tobaccos (Stockholm Blend is my fav) but they are a bit hard on my lungs from the flavorings.
the Midnight Special Ciggerette song lmao.......followed by a tobacco hit