What should i do if my sister is smoking weed while pregnant?
She is smoking weed, smoking cigarettes occasionally and i think she might be drinking some too.
She told me she would quit all of this while pregnant but its hard to belive when i seen a hitter sitting by her purse ive tried to talk to her and she still does not care..
please help me.
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
It's sad to see women who are not willing to give up their lifestyles for the life of their unborn child. My mother does foster care and all those children were born to mothers much like your sister. There's not much you can do except to keep talking to her about the risks to the baby if she continues and offer her help if she needs help quitting cold turkey. Some of those who are in their set ways and don't want to give up smoking or drinking for the health of a child usually don't listen to reason and do whatever they want. But your influence can help so just keep pressing her on it and good luck.
my one hitter that looks like a cig.