What is the difference between cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco?
Which one is safer and lighter on your chest
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
I roll my own cigarettes. I use strait tobacco for this, not store bought stuff. The store bought tobaccos will have many additives.
Cigarettes are not safe in any form. It is slightly safer to switch to smoking a pipe since you do not inhale the smoke.
A small number of pipe tobaccos can be used in cigarettes. Most pipe tobacco is far to harsh to use in this manner. I find Prince Albert to be quite enjoyable in a cigarette. It is also usually much cheaper than cigarette tobaccos you can buy.
A simple hand roller will allow you to add filters if you wish. I don't smoke with out filters myself.
In a big departure from what I usually produce, here is a video tutorial on how to roll a cigarette using a cigarette roller. Once again, I am a ...