Why is it important to reduce boat and jet ski speeds along sensitive shorelines? The waves reach the shoreline ,catch the soil material,(sand .Black dirt) and take it out to sea,ocean, This is called Erosion. This is why the communities with beaches are always hauling sand to their beaches for the tourists to roll in.. New Jersey Hauls in many tons of sand and packs it tight. The sea comes rolling and takes it out again. I fished in florida with professional fisher men and they were very particular about the waves they created. Those which smoked put the filters from their cigarette's in their pockets. Threw it in the Garbage on land,. Tourist's like clean white beach sand. Next time you go to Florida see How many cigarettes filter you see on the beaches. Then look where you live. I live on the shores of Lake Michigan. It is terrible the Garbage I see. i wonder where this guy got his answer from...
Which state sell the most cigarettes? I am having trouble finding the cigarette sales for each state. Please list in order if possible or drop a link to a site that does. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters North carolina or south, that's where its made
Corrections - Annual Cigarette Unit Sales 500 Billion, Annual Mass Market Large Cigar Unit Sales 5 Billion, Annual Large Premium Cigar Unit Sales ...
Does burning incense in the house have the same dangers as cigarette smoke? I'm starting to use incense in my apartment room to take away from a musty smell, and it came to me that it smokes- so I was wondering if it has the same health risks as actually smoking? Thank you- I'm new to this. Best Answer - Chosen by Asker There are risks associated with incense smoke, but it seems that heavy use is required. I couldn't find a comparison between cigarette smoke and incense smoke though, so I can't tell you if one is worse than the other.
The health effects of tobacco are the circumstances, mechanisms, and factors of tobacco consumption on human health. Epidemiological research has ...
Will an electronic cigarette set of a dorm room smoke detectors? Just ordered an electronic cigarette to help me stop smoking and was wondering if it would set off a normal college dorm room detector or does the vapor just do nothing? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters I have actually tested this. For most smoke detectors it will not. However some of the newer more sensitive smoke detectors will. I would recomend just blowing some vapor into it to see what happens. If it goes off it will not be known as to why since there is no oder. Also I beg to differ. I was a 11/2 pack per day smoker for 18 years. I now us ecigs only and made the transition over the weekend with no regrets and no looking back. I use the joye 510 which is the favorite for most vapers. I have been vaping for 3 years. I will include some links in my sources you might be interested in.
A video review of the Joye EGO electronic electronic cigarette...
What is wrong with a person that is numb when it comes to emotions? Like they seem like they feel no emotions whatsoever?
are they thinking about many things and just seem out of it. Like they give a sort of blank stare and feel distant.
Or do they just genuinely not care about others?
No the person isn't on drugs, but the person smokes cigarettes a LOT more often since they've become this way. And has become more distant to people. The person seems to wants to harm themselves emotionally and doesn't like happiness for themselves Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Sociopaths have that trait...
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.
Incapacity for Love
Need for Stimulation
Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.
Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.
Q&A with William B. Davis from the Antwerp Sci-fi, Horror and Fantasy Convention (May 1), part one. :) Hope you liked it and make sure to ...
What are the effects of smoking on a child, post delivery? I have an oral presentation due next Thursday (Feb 8th) and did research on the internet so I do have quite a bit of research info already collected.
I want to know if there are any females out there who smoked (or were around cigarette smoke) while pregnant and if it affected your baby after birth in any way? Guys can answer this too if you smoked around your wife/gf while she was pregnant.
Anyone is welcome to answer this! Best Answer - Chosen by Asker Yes. I smoked ciggs. the whole time I was pregnant. Yes I smoke around my kid now. No it did nothing to him while I was pregnant, No it has done nothing to him smoking around him after he was born . he's 5 yrs. old now. perfect health. Yes my whole family smokes (total of 4 in the house and a ton more if you count visiting others) and No them smoking didn't harm my kid durring or after pregnancy.
Smoking and pregnancy: the facts presented by Dr Deepa Daniel. This video was produced by the Department of Health and Ageing as part of the ...
Do you buy cigarettes on-line? Did you ever buy cigarettes online? How would you describe your experience? Please, point the websites also. Best Answer - Chosen by Asker i used to buy cigarettes online from the natives. i don't remember which website, but they were out of upstate new york. never had a problem.
a few years ago, my state (CT) started going after residents who'd bought cigarettes online from non-native retailers. they got the retailers' sales info and just started sending bills to the buyers, many for thousands of dollars in taxes they 'owed' the state, and giving them only a month or two to pay.
fortunately i missed that bullet because i'd only bought from the indians. however, there's no way to know if/when the tribes and states may come to an agreement on the tax issue, or if some judge somewhere will just rule that the natives must release their sales info to the states.
by far the best option for smokers looking to save some cash is to make your own cigarettes. you don't have to hand roll them. You can buy a good crank machine, filter tubes and enough tobacco for a carton of smokes for the same price a carton of factory smokes costs. around $50.
i'd smoked marlboros for 20 years before switching to MYO (make your own) a year and a half ago, and i haven't missed the marbs at all. got a premier supermatic (machine) for like $35 and have probably made 10,000 smokes with the thing by now. i pay about $50/month for tobacco/filter tubes, would be paying around $150/month buying brand name smokes from the store. saving over a grand per year. plus i have the piece of mind, knowing i'm not giving away my cash for the #%(^% government to waste. a huge tax on the middle class/poor is what cig taxes are.
i spend maybe 15 minutes per day making my smokes. i just do it while watching the news or whatever. most filter tube brands work fine. most "full flavor" tobacco tastes as good or better than your camels/marbs/winstons/etc. or get mentholated if that's what you're into.
my main online supplier of tobacco/tubes/etc. was americanthrusttobacco.com out of upstate NY. never had a problem with them. it's been a while since i placed an order though, as i found a local supplier with competitive prices.
there are plenty of videos online showing how easy it is to MYO. just get googley. i would advise against buying factory smokes online. it's risky. Make Your Own.
What are the different flavors of Marlboro cigarettes? I am just very curious. I don't really smoke but I never realized how many different varieties there were until recently. I know there are.
Menthol Light
Blend 54
Blend 27
What else is there and what is the difference between all those different flavors? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters List of Marlboro brand varieties
How many cigarettes can I bring back from inside a non-EU country? I am aware of the 200 cigarette limit at the duty free, but am I allowed to bring back cigarettes actually bought inside the country in local shops on which tax has been paid? Or does this count as a duty-free allowance. Is it even legal?
Help would be much appreciated, as I brought back 400 cigarettes from inside Turkey last year, though I bought nothing from the duty-free. As I'm going again this year, I need to make sure I'm within a legal limit. Best Answer - Chosen by Asker From outside the EU you can only bring in 200 cigarettes, whether bought duty free or bought inside the country. It's only other EU tax that counts for bringing in more than 200.
What you should have done last year is go through the red channel and declare the excess 200. You would probably be charged a nominal amount of UK duty and still get a cheap - but legal! - deal.
I once brought in 1,200 cigarettes and my wife 400 from outside the EU. We declared the fact in the red channel. The customs officer said he wouldn't bother with my wife's, but couldn't ignore my excess and would I mind paying £? (which was about 20% of the normal duty charged in shops).
Whether cigarettes should be made illegal is a personal opinion, but many people believe that adults should be able to make their own decisions on ...
When is the price of alcohol going up? I just paid 81 pence for a 4x pack of 2% volume lager from Tesco, how will the price increase effect this lager?
Yes i am poor and i like to get drunk, get over it.
BQ: Did i use the right word? effect or affect? What is the difference and how do you know which to use? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker The price of alcohol hasn't technically been put up, the government just took away the maximum that people could charge for certain drinks, so inevitably a load of places will probably bump their prices and that has already started. It was last weekend.
However cigarette's have gone up by 37p.
Oh and effect, is the effect of something. i.e. - The effect this will have is...
And affect is how something affects something. i.e - This will affect it because...
Hope this helps x
Left and SP called Bharat Bandh. The parties were also protesting against the diesel price hike and cap on subsidised LPG. While the government ...
How much does a carton of Marlboro cigarettes cost in places like CVS? I'm trying to calculate how much my parents spend on cigarettes. Please help me. I just need to know the average cost of a carton of cigarettes in drug stores like CVS. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters It depends on where you live. Cigarette prices vary from store to store and state to state. In Tennessee a pack of Marlboro is probably around $5 a pack. A carton would be $46-$50. I switched to an electronic cigarette and I am saving a lot of money.
A cigarettes pack's true cost is US$18. According to a new study conducted by the American Lung Association, the average US$5.50 retail price ...
I have taken 1 ecstasy pill, will it damage me? I understand what I have done is wrong and yes I will not do it again, but I took it yesterday at 2:45PM and I still have a headache, is it going to do any permanent brain damage? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Ecstacy is not wrong. Define wrong please... Murder is wrong, violence is wrong, theft, etc. is wrong. How is personal consumption for recreation labled wrong?
Ecstacy doesn't damage your brain... it's funny how people still preach this myth even after so much recent headway the FDA has made with ecstacy. It's funny how these people had enough time to somehow research all the "harmful" things about drugs, yet didn't have the time to go to college and use their access to the PEER DATABASE to actually review research studies and peer reviewed studies nationwide.
First off, as mad as this makes so many people, you did not do pure ecstacy. It was an e "pill"? That's not pure ecstacy. I don't care if you had a "triple stack" pink star, blue dolphin, mitsubishi, playboy. Any ecstacy pill, and any substance termed ecstacy that carries one of these ridiculous names... is not pure ecstacy.
Real ecstacy is purely mdma or 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. It is labled hallucinogen, stimulant, etc... even though it's real technical lable should be empathogen. Ecstacy to this very day has never shown damage to a person. I'm talking PURE ecstacy. E pills are known for having a variety of dangerous compounds while either NOT containing any ecstacy whatsoever or at the most a mear 20mg of said drug. For an average person, 60mg of pure ecstacy will induce at LOW threshold feeling. This is proper term for effectively rating the "high". Threshold means you will feel a little of the drugs effects, but for the most part remain normal. 80 mg is usually where an average person will feel the effects mildly, and up to 100 mg would be a great high. Anything over would be personal preference for the user, and/or personal requirements based on weight, height, health, etc.
MDMA works by causing a large amount of the neurochemical serotonin to be released. This chemical is one of the 3 main chemicals that directly attribute to your mood, feeling, etc.
To enlighten a little and maybe change your perspective of "wrong", go to your local emergency room. Count the amount of people there for toothaches, back pain, or any type of regular pain. What are most of them there for? Hydrocodone (Vicodin), Oxycodone (Percocet), tramadol (Ultram), Darvacet, and a host of other pain killers given out like candy. These remain legal for prescription use, but the regulation of these is so negligible that kids, teens, young adults, and adults of all ages are using them daily for a high. These drugs are mostly opiates, meaning they are in the same family as heroin, morphine, etc. The amount of people who will answer a survey and say "ecstacy is wrong" but are at the time addicted to SOME form of drug or another is astonishing.
How many people do you know who drink coffee daily? Caffiene is a stimulant, which has more health risks than ecstacy by far. Cigarettes? Take ecstacy (12 deaths per year from the "e" pills - 0 from pure ecstacy), marijuana (0 deaths, impossible to overdose), cocaine (mostly criminal related deaths and violence, albeit overdoses are more frequent in crack cocaine addicts), methamphetamines, and every recreational illicit drug. Now compare those deaths to the deaths caused by tobacco alone. If tobacco deaths were the empire state building, recreational drug deaths would be a bathroom in a 1 star motel.
You will most likely not suffer brain damage, but if I were you I'd steer clear of "e" pills. I won't sit here and tell everyone that drugs should be everyone's favorite pass time, but they sure as hell shouldn't be labled "wrong", when there are real things out there everyday we find socially acceptable that are more wrong than smoking a joint or rolling face...
Why different gas or cigarette prices in same region of a county? Why the gas prices or cigarette prices vary within the same region of county in united states? in other countires the prices stay same accross the country. Best Answer - Chosen by Asker I am not sure, but I think it depends on the income of the area. I live in a valley and right now, gas is 3.84, but drive 15 miles down the road, it is at least 15 cents cheaper. Same with cigarette. I think it depends on how much the gas station man wants to pocket, and will compete with nearby gas stations. All of my friends here will just deal with the prices, rather than drive and get cheaper ones...
Why do I have to pay for all the lazy people on benifits? They just take and take because they can and I am sick of it! I work on av 72 hours a week, i get nothing free, i have even had to resort to buying my precription drug from suspect places! Best Answer - Chosen by Asker I agree, I'm also fed up paying for these scroungers(disabled and sick excluded).Many have children too, which are thrown money at (our money) by the government.How many chavs have you seen with brand new baby buggies, cigarette in hand and satellite TVs all paid for by us.Who's fault is it that they are unmarried mothers (single parents?) Have they never heard of contraception.? (Granted there are some widows but we are not talking about them.)I don't mind ensuring that people and children have enough to eat but to provide these people with cigarettes and luxuries..no way.Give them food and clothing vouchers not money.Child benefit should be for the first child only, that would stop these irresponsible parasites procreating at our expense.If they had to pay for their own children their families would be much smaller.
They don't have to pay rent etc but working people earning over a certain amount have to pay for everything ..including other people's children.
Googlywo..no, pensioners have worked all their lives to provide a fund for themselves in old age, the lazy haven't.
How much is the import duty on cigarettes in USA? Importing 4 cartons of cheap cigarettes for my personal use. What are the import duties? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters my experience gave clove cigarettes online, I buy 2-3 carton to NY without taxes. and I think for 4 carton is free duty
Your coupon discount code is: 8AAGZhL7vp Enter the discount coupon code for 3% off or use the direct URL: cigs24.com Buy cigars online - Discount ...
Is it less harsh on your lungs to smoke out of a tobacco pipe vs cigarettes? Please no comments on the fact that all smoking is harmful to your lungs.. i realize that. I'm just wondering if its any less damaging to your LUNGS smoking tobacco from a pipe vs cigarettes? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Well, if your smoking a pipe properly you are not supposed to inhale, so to answer your question smoking a pipe is much better for you than smoking a cigarette. Plus pipe tobacco is all natural and not treated with chemicals like cigarette tobacco is.
We are getting closer and closer to losing our comfortable pipe tobacco purchases. Article: www.suntimes.com
What are some good tasting non-menthol cigarettes? I hate menthol cigarettes, gross! I've been smoking Marlboro Reds for a while but I'm looking to try something new. Camel Wides were good and I may want to try American Spirits. Can anybody recommend some good non-menthol cigarettes?
PS Don't bother writing something about how smoking is bad. I understand this. But I've been smoking for half a year and have two cigarettes max per day, so I'm not concerned at the moment. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Personally I ALWAYS go back to Marlboro blend no. 27s. I switch it up but am always satisfied with these.
American spirits help me cut back on smoking... I prefer the roll your own by far... They are very filling, burn extremely slow, and are impossible to chain smoke.
Camel Turkish royals are OK once in awhile they are very sweet.
Nat Sherman's aren't bad, they burn slow but taste strong
Check out all my reviews and subscribe www.youtube.com Marlboro Blend No. 54 Menthol Cigarette Review Great tasting cigarette but little harsh ...
What is the fine for refusing a person a drink of water in Arizona? its not a stupid law. its real and i want to know. I want to know 'cuase I live in the state and love to accuse people, is funny Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Top 20 Silliest Laws in Arizona
Deserts, cactus, green lawns and palm trees are all words that reference the wonderful state of Arizona. With beautiful weather year-round and a great influx of new people moving into the state, you should not be able to find anything wrong. That is, until you look at the law books. There are certainly crazy and weird laws in effect that this state should have to explain. These are the Top 20 Silliest Laws in Arizona.
#1 - Hunting camels is prohibited.
Are there really camels freely running around to hunt? And if there were, what would you do with the animal after you hunted it down?
#2 - Any misdemeanor committed while wearing a red mask is considered a felony.
So the next time you decide to jaywalk, be sure to take off that mask.
#3 - There is a possible 25 years in prison for cutting down a cactus.
But you can rob the local supermarket and only receive 5-10.
#4 - Donkeys can not sleep in bathtubs.
But jack asses can sleep there on a regular basis.
5 - A class 2 misdemeanor occurs if one places a mark upon a flag which is "likely to provoke physical retaliation."
Isn't it already illegal to deface a flag?
#6 - It is illegal to manufacture imitation cocaine.
If you were going to try to peddle imitation cocaine why would spend the time manufacturing it? Just use baking powder, DUH!
#7 - When being attacked by a criminal or burglar, you may only protect yourself with the same weapon that the other person possesses.
This would have to be an eye-for-an-eye at its best!
#8 - It is unlawful to refuse a person a glass of water.
So just remember, the next time that stranger comes to your door in the middle of the night and asks for a glass of water, you have to let him have it.
#9 - You may not have more than two dildos in a house.
I plead the fifth.
#10 - Cards may not be played in the street with a Native American.
Keep that illegal underground, street side poker game all white, ya here!
#11 - If you bother the cotton tails or bullfrogs, you will be fined.
Please stop teaching your daughter to kiss the frog for a prince. It has become an epidemic, evidently.
#12 - No more than six girls may live in a house.
So I guess a move to Arizona by the Duggar family is out of the question.
#13 - It is illegal to smoke cigarettes within 15 feet of a public place unless you have a class 12 liquor license.
Let me get this straight, if you have a license for liquor you can smoke, but if you don't stand clear. Okay, I understand, NOT!
#14 - A decree declares that anyone caught stealing soap must wash himself with it until it is all used up.
Clean criminals are their number one priority. If I steal money, do I have to spend it all?
#15 - An ordinance prohibits the wearing of suspenders.
They are trying their best to keep the median age over 60.
#16 - One must be 18 years old to buy spray paint.
Isn't this a federal law?
#17 - It is illegal for men and women over the age of 18 to have less than one missing tooth visible when smiling.
I bet this messes up the Miss America contestants.
#18 - Women may not wear pants.
Okay Celie, this is not The Color Purple.
#19 - Cars may not be driven in reverse.
But you can put them in neutral and push them out of the driveway.
#20 - No one is permitted to ride their horse up the stairs of the county court house.
How exactly do they get their snail mail then?
The next time you think about taking a vacation, or moving to a new state, be sure to check out the local laws. There might just be one of the Top 20 Silliest Laws in your state.
to his concept Vikram had a variety of silhouettes that ranged from cigarette pants, palazzos, skirts to kalidaars worn with interestingly styled ...
Gta: Vice city 'The fastest boat' Glitch or something!? When I go into the boat yard, kill all the guys shooting at me and head up to where im ment to pull the leever to get the boat down, the doors are shut. I can't get in :'( Help me! Best Answer - Chosen by Voters 1. Walk into the pink shaft of light ("D" symbol on the radar) Marina to
trigger a cutscene. Now you are going to steal the fastest boat in
Vice City, Squalo II (Wellcraft 38 Scarab KV "cigarette" speedboat).
2. After meeting with Diaz, come to the back yard and jump into the Sea
3. Head to the destination, when you're close to the boat to be stolen,
it will trigger a cutscene. Now land on the concrete walkway in front
of the boathouse, jump out of the chopper--ignoring everyone sprint
inside the boathouse to turn the switch on. Ignoring everyone shooting
at you--your 150 Armor should take care of their bullets--sprint towards
the fastest boat.
4. Get into the fastest boat and it's smooth sailing to the pier by Diaz'
This is a video of a boat accident on Lake Conroe in 1990.
What do I need to start rolling my own cigarettes? A friend of mine rolls their own and says it's a lot cheaper than buying them. Where can I get the things I need to do it? Just a gas station? I know i need papers, filters, and obviously the tobacco, but what's the rolly thing that you put it in? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker First you have to find a tobacco blend you like. That's the hard part. Don't expect it to taste anything like your regular brand.
Many rolling tobaccos are now relabeled as pipe tobacco to avoid the higher taxes. Getting your supplies at a gas station means you are going to be paying top dollar. Look for a discount smoke store.
The little hand rollers are cheap in most areas and can be had for as little as $3 depending on where you live. Filters run me around $2.50 for 200. I buy bugler papers, (115 papers in a packet), for around $1.20 but it may be higher in your area.
halocigs.com If you are interested in checking out electronic cigarettes, PLEASE do your own research and make an educated decision!!!!!! Here is ...
What is a good builder of cigarette boats? I need a good builder with luxury and fast cigarette boats. Absolute best builder. Best Answer - Chosen by Asker Donzi
my 1996 cigarette evolution one of two built, twin hawlk motors blown, 1600hp each.
Who is the artist of the camel on the packs of camel cigarettes? ? Looking for details on the Artist for the camel that is placed on camel cigarettes.IE: WHO? where? when? how? and wh? they used camel please add a historic value to your answer. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters read this, doesnt answer all your questions but its a good starting point. Scroll halfway down to "naked man" part and read.
I need a V2 Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit Coupon Code Please..? I am ordering a Starter kit, and i need a coupon code to get 15% off.. Thank You Best Answer - Chosen by Voters ECN15 15% off starter kit
ECN 10% off all accessories
however wasn't really satisfying with my V2. The battery broke after two week. It ran out so it plug it in. After i charged it for 2 hours that LED light just keep flashing. It doesn't emit vapor any more. I ordered new battery and it is working now..but battery dead after two weeks is not acceptable
The Godfather of electronic cigarette reviews, Andy Gray, shows everyone the new V2 Cigs Ultimate Starter kit, which was introduced on April 16th ...
Price of cigarettes in Maryland? I would like to know the price for a pack of cigarettes in MD.
These are some brands id like to know about
-Marlboro menthol 100s
I dont want any complaints about how smoking is bad. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Really cheap. I bought Marboro's there last August (I was there for a month) and they were $26.00 for a 20 pack, not menthol. In Canada the cigarette prices are government controlled and cost $58.00 for a 25 pack. In the States cigarettes actually go on sale, so does your liquor! If your planning on coming to Canada at any point bring your own.
Medhak DSP Resign For More Videos & updated News Log on to:www.tv5news.in ... tv videos ... Medhak DSP Resign tv5news.in ...
Can anybody help me think of a couple of songs for my project? Hey, I have to do this grade 12 prayer service and my topic is smoking. I want to get the class to never start smoking and explain to them the dangers of smoking. I need 2 songs for my presentation and I am having a really hard time finding any. If anybody could find me 1 or 2 songs that relate to my topic, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters As smoking cigarettes becomes less socially acceptable than admitting to have liked Ace of Base or the New Kids, singer/songwriters are losing one their favorite themes to croon about: smoking. Here's a list of songs about smoking that spans almost 100 years. Hope this helps.
01 smoking in the boys room- motley crue
02 the joker- steve miller band
03 the air that i breathe- air supply
04 my last cigarette- kd lang
05 mr. tamborine man- bob dylan
06 i smoke alot -k's choice
07 cigarettes and alcohol- oasis
08 money and cigarettes- eric clapton
09 three cigarettes in an ashtray -patsy cline
10 turn the page- bob segar
11 i take my chances -mary chapin carpenter
12 smoke, smoke, smoke (that Cigarette)- tex williams
13 another puff -jerry reed
14 love is like a cigarrette -ivie anderson
15 roll your own- hoyt axton
16 chesterfied- john jackson
17 smokin' -joni mitchell
18 cigarettes and chocolate milk- rufus wainwright
For people who smoke djarum cigarettes or cigars i need info? I have a 'cigar' my friend gave me, and i believe it is actually like a 'djarum special' or somthing. The paper is brown, like a cigar, and the filter-paper is gold. The tast of the filter is spiced like a djarum Black, but it does not make that clove crackling sound when smoked. Can anyone tell me if i have a small swisher-sweet type cigar or a djarum non-clove cigarette (kretec) which is kind of an oxymoron Best Answer - Chosen by Voters I know of a black clove that has a gold ring around it. XTRA I believe. Oh how I miss smoking those...
Most people in my area buy these to feel ritzy of like they have high class. I bought them because I didn't know what the hell a clove cigar ...
When advertising cigarettes, how can a convenience store say "Lowest Prices Allowed by Law" ? In a given state, if wholesale cost for a pack of cigarettes is $2, and the taxes total $3, then the convenience store pays $5 as its cost.
Wouldn't "lowest price allowed by law" be $5 retail, and then the retailer would make no profit?? Or do states mandate a minimum profit percentage for the retailers?
Do they just use that to lure in customers, sell them cigs at cost, and hope they buy coffee, energy drinks, donuts, etc?? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Hi There,
In many instances throughout the world, the only cost that is constant is taxes. Taxes in many country defy the standard practice of commerce of bulk purchase. I have yet to come across governments giving tax discount on bulk payment. I have seen the more you earn the more percentage you pay income tax.
Therefore cost price will drop if the purchase is bigger and the same will apply for most goods worldwide.
Controlled items in my country have a maximum celling price. Agent controlled items will have its standard retail prices. However during promotional period you may be allowed to offer discounts. Even so or cigarettes.
In life as well as in marketing there is no such thing as a free meal or cheap priced item. Usually there is a hook attached.
I you get to buy cheap ciggarettes, it may be a hook to get you buy some other items in the shop.
That is called purchase with purchase promotion. In your given scenario, most likely they are "spending" their profit margin in cigarettes to draw in customers and hope to gain profit for sales of other items and hopeully build a regular customer base. On the other hand, they may still make a small profit for the sale of cigarettes due to bulk purchase.
Another reason that they do it is probably to clear off stocks that is almost at the end of their shelf life so that they can restock or terminate that product category.
Nevertheless, all the answers are just to help you understand why they did it. The principal learning note here is, the consumers, do they find it a good bargain that they want to buy it there instead of elsewhere?
If yes, then Horray for the consumers.
chocolate captain black little cigars ingredients cigarettes online captain black little cigars ingredients cheap cigarettes captain black little ...
What was the first cigarette brand made? What was the first cigarette brand made? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters In 1847, Philip Morris is open for business in England. They sell hand rolled Turkish cigarettes.
In 1854, Philip Morris begins making its own cigarettes in London, on Bond Street.
In 1860, manufactured cigarettes make their debut.
Viceroy Cigarette in 1936 is the world's first cork-tipped filter cigarette. In 1952 it was the first brand to add a cellulose acetate filter which established a new industry standard. In 1953, Viceroy Filter Kings were introduced.
. The firm, which makes seven of the top 15 brands of tobacco products in the world, sells its smokes in 160 countries. The company in 2008 held a ...
What questions sounds the best/easiest for my psychology research paper? I have chosen the use of behavior modification techniques in the cessation of cigarette smoking as my topic for my paper... What one of the 3 questions I came up with sounds like the best/easiest??
My research question is: Is behavioral modification an effective means of quitting smoking in people who have previously tried using medication and failed?
Is behavioral modification paired with smoking cessation medication the most effective means of quitting?
Is the exclusive use of behavioral modification therapy as effective as the exclusive use of smoking cessation aids/medications? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker I think the first question you posed makes the most sense. It is also very clear and concise and broad enough to easily research. If you need more help with behavioral modification, check out these sources: http://www.oppapers.com/search_results.p…
me playing cigarette smoker fiona [cigarette smoke] by arctic monkeys. I like this song. they didn't play this song in their live @ Tokyo ...
Whats the diffrence between cigarillo and Swisher sweets? Hey, whats the diffrence between cigarillo and swisher sweets? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters CIGARILLO Small cigar which can be the size of a cigarette to almost the size of a cigar. Cigarillos are cheap cigars, about 59 cents a piece. Most people use them for stuffing other substances, normally marijuana, into forming a tight, fat blunt.
SWISHER SWEET A damn good cigar. The smoke has a mild sweet flavor to it.Cheap cigars that most people use to roll blunts with. Very easy to split and dump out the tobacco to replace with weed. Popular among rappers.
I am not a fan of cigars, and after this I am still not a fan of cigars! It wasn't terrible, I just don't really care for the taste of ...
For an analogy argument, if there are such a thing called civil rights then why not smokers rights? Smokers should have rights, of course. But don't smoke in my car, my room, my house, in the elevator if I'm in it, in the taxi, the the bus, the plane, or any other enclosed space where other people are busy breathing. Now for the flip side: There are places out at the beach where smoking isn't allowed. I know a place where one of these outdoor "no-smoking" zones is located - and people sit on the bench, a "smoke-free" bench ... Meanwhile, hundreds of automobiles pass through there each hour belching carbon monoxide and God-only-knows-what-else into the air, far more than any group of cigarette smokers could EVER produce ... but no one says anything. Quite obviously i am not suggesting that cars be banned. But an outdoor area with a fairly strong ocean breeze dzn't need to ban people from smoking. It's wildly inconsistent and those smokers would not be doing anyone else any harm. Just as long as they toss their cig butts into an ashtray and don't make any mess, there should be no problem ... Idiots who smoke tobacco have the right to poison themselves, but not to foul the air that the rest of us have to breathe, or to use the earth as your ash-tray!
That's all the rights that you deserve!
All the 'rights' as long as you do not harm anyone else!
Smoker's rights my a$s!
What about breather's rights, moron!
New Improved, Stronger Design, These Cigarette Disposals Hold Over 14000 Cigarette Butts! Reduce fire risk and keep your facility clean with this ...
Cheap Cigarettes? Does anybody know where I can get cheap Doral, Camel with filters and Camel Nonfilters at a reasonable price online. I am sorry if I put this in the wrong catergory. Best Answer - Chosen by Asker check out prices at http://www.smokecafe.com , all brands are quite cheap there
What is Marboro spraying on their cigarettes to make them extinguish if left burning? Now Marlboro cigarettes will extinguish if left burning. They call them "fire-safe" and claim to double wrap the paper to make it less-porous. Then triple wrap sections called "speed bumps" which act as a firewall and will extinguish the cigarette if left burning. I examined a Marlboro cigarette under my black light and it clearly reveals spray spots on the cigarette and no evidence of double wrapped paper. Anyone know what it is? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters it is what they leave out of them. I was a smoker for 45 years and they used additives which caused them to burn faster. They have stopped using additives to give people the impression that the cigarettes are now safer.
buycheapestcigarettesonline.com Get Marlboros at wholesale prices 100% Legally. People are buying like crazy so move now and don't get left ...
How do I use an automatic cigarette stuffing machine? I have been filling my own cigarette tubs with the tobacco but even on the lowest setting to stuff them lightly the cigarette tobacco gets stuck in the machine or the smokes are to hard to hit. Do I need to cut the tobacco first it seems kinda stringy should I grind it in a grinder before I use the tobacco? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters It can be tricky. I'd be able to answer better if I knew what brand of tobacco you are using. Is it shag cut or pipe cut? Your problem could also be with your injector. Some of them don't work very well.
If I use a pipe cut, I put out a pile that I need for about a pack. Then I use a pair of scissors and cit it into smaller strips. I keep turning the pile and cutting until it is all cut. I wouldn't use a grinder because if you aren't careful you will get tobacco dust.
When loading the injector, I first fill both ends. Then I put some in the middle. I lightly press down and at the edges I press it towards the corners. Then I add more tobacco to fill it to the right level.
You want the tobacco hydrated but not wet or dry.
This is a forum for those of us who roll our own cigarettes. The threads that will interest you will be the ones under the heading injectors/shooters/stuffers. However, all of the topics are good. There are a lot of people on there who have figured out the tricks and they post their reviews of different tobaccos, injectors and tubes. If you join, it takes a while to get your account activated (at least a month) but you can read through all of the threads in the meantime.
In Canada we have warning pictures on our cigarette packages. Is this the case in the USA? There are pictures of diseased organs and horrifying statistics. Do you think this would work too with fast\junk foods? Have a heart with clogged arteries or a morbidly obese person on a bag of chips? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker No pictures on the smokes -- although I think I'd need one after seeing a cancerous lung. "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy"
As far as warning's on junk foods -- all you have to do is LOOK at people. We do what we want to at the time, and ignore the consequences...
The gov't is trying to do put pictures of dying people on cigarette boxes to let people know that smoking is bad. Because... you know... we ...
How to you exchange ciggarette sides you save for cartons or coupons? Me and my boyfriend have been saving the sides of our cigarette boxes because i heard you can get cupons or discounts on cartons or somthing like that. We have like a good 200 or more and i just want to get rid of them or if i should keep saving. I just wanted to know if anyone has ever done it or how to..please let me know!
Btw: We smoke Newport 100's or Newport Kings Best Answer - Chosen by Voters You can go to their website and request a catalog. from there you can redeem the upc codes for merchandise.
Where to buy Dunhill Cigarettes Online? Where is the best online shop to buy Dunhill cigarettes? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters you can buy it on salesfreak.net
DUNHILL FINE CUT CIGARETTE COMMERCIAL SHOT AND EDITED BY HAYK MURADYAN shot on the Canon 5d mark II, edited in Final Cut Pro (apple pro res 422HQ)
Can You Make Your Own Chewing Tobacco/Snuff Out Of Cigarette Tobacco? I am curious if this can be done. I am now in the part of the world where I cannot buy chewing tobacco or snuff so I am wondering if I can use cigarette tobacco to create my own snuff.
I am interested in real answers not " look in wikipedia' , 'search yahoo or "order inline". Duh! Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Normally chewing tobacco is smoke cured as opposed to the smokeless dry cure for cigarette tobacco and chewing tobacco is usually sweetened with molases or other sweetener. So you couldn't really make chewing tobacco properly from cigareete tobacco. But you might be able to use pipe tobacco if you can get that (not sure where you are in the world, but tobacco is pretty common). You could grow your own, but curring is tricky, storage difficult.
I think I might try to get some pipe or cigar tobacco, sweeten to taste with molases, maybe add a little flavoring (what is your prefered brand? you might be able to find the flavoring used).
Smokeless tobacco products and related items get the short end of the stick thanks to societies preconceived notion that they're just as ...
What is the average price of cigarettes in New Orleans, Louisiana? Could you tell how much a pack of marlboro lights is?
A pack of Camel Golds?
Do they have specials? like buy to packs and get 2.50 off? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker A single pack most places will be between $4 and $5 - usually closer to $5. Cartons usually about $40. There are sometimes "buy 2 get 1 free" specials.
Note that prices increased a lot in the past year - up almost $1 per pack. Also fewer specials.
Free camel cigarettes - bit.ly Or dutyfreecigarettes.net.tc - Get a Discount! Call US NOW! Toll-free US phone - 1-888-2465609 International - 1 ...
Strange smoking fetish and girlfriend? I have a smoking fetish since i was a kid. I watch videos where girls only smoke without even getting naked and it turns me on. In real life, when i see girls light up a cigarette i cant help myself to watch and get horny in a second. But only when those girls are hot. If they're not attractive and smoke, it wont turn me on. Im a non smoker and i will never smoke because i find this habbit stupid. It tastes bad and it stinks. And its a slow killer. But i find it extremly hot and sexy on hot girls. Now, more weird part. I've had a girlfriend that occasionally smoked before whe met. (she started just few months before we met). And guess what? I couldnt stand it! We were arguing about it lots of times because i wanted her to stop and she didnt (she said she will and later that she did, but i found out later that she didnt). We split up after year and a half, because i couldnt take it anymore, because i Came to terms that she wont stop and i can not be with a smoker even if i masturbate on a picture of her smoking in my head (which is imaginary cause she never smoked in front of me). So after six months we started to date again, because i missed her so much. And i still love her. When we end our relationship, her best friend told me that she started to smoke regulary. And that hasnt changed since then. I dont know why but that makes me feel sick just like normal people feel when they find out someone is cheating on them. Its really f** up. So i decided to let her smoke in front of me so i get used to it. On the first date she said no, i wont smoke in front of you because its odd. I said she shouldnt feel that way because i want her to smoke in front of me so i get used to it. If we continue like we used to before, things wont change. So on the second date she proposed to sit outside the bar. I knew why, because in our country we arent allowed to smoke inside. So i started to feel sick in a second because of that. And yeah, she put her glamour slim cigarettes on a table and smoked 3 cigarettes while we were drinking coffee and chatting for 30 minutes only.. I wanted to change things by letting her smoke in front of me but i dont think its working. Cause i feel sick watching her smoke. I dont know why, because, i masturbated on pictures in my head just when i arrived home from a date, but it makes me sick. I care for her health yeah, but i dont think thats the reason that makes me sick. I know im weird as f****.i know, but is there anyone like me here? Or anyone understands me? Any tips?
P.s. she is georgeus girl, not because im in love with her but she ally is. Whole school can approve that. She is 18 and im 20. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters You have just described my life here, im 20 and my gf is 18, im a non smoker and hate thr thought of it, but a girl smoking is the biggest turn on ever.
My girlfirend is a non smoker but she would share one before school a few times when she was 14/15 and when she goes out with her friends she will have 1.
The thought of her smoking when out on her own accord makes me so angry i just want to scream at her. But i always masturbate to the thoughts of it. I know there are a million videos of women doing it sensually but my gf knows of my fertish and would kill me if i ever watched one so i always have to sit and use my imagination and picture her smoking to masturbate too.
I LOVE seeing her smoke when its me and her together and when she does it during foreplay or sex it is amazing, 99% of the sex we have i picture her with a cigarette in her hand or during bj i imagine her blowing smoke on me to get myself as hard as i can.
The thing is i hate this fetish, after i *** i think about what ive done and it makes me depressed and feel like a pervert or something, my gf knows of my fetish and she thinks im wierd and discusting for having it which doesnt help and if she does do it with me she will have a drag or two then claim she feels sick even though she does it with her friends and has a whole one...
i thought i was the only one with this kinda fetish our age, i thought it was like an old 50 year old kind of biker that likes it but i guess not
Hi everyone... I want to introduce you to my friend JayJay... she has just started her own You Tube channel and you should all go subscribe NOW ...
How do the smartest kids in school smoke weed and still manage to rank in the top 10? It's pretty interesting, I just wanna know why doesn't weed affect their memory. But it seems to do the opposite for them? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters First of all, weed isn't all that bad for you. Its villianized by society and the government because they need an excuse to keep it illegal. They wanna keep it illegal for political reasons and if your interested why, watch a documentary on it. I suggest watching "the union". Yes it does make your memory worse, but if your very smart to begin with, you should still do well. Marijuana use isn't that bad, but marijuana abuse can be. Smoking once in a while isn't bad for you, but if you do it twice a day, your memory will suffer. If your dedicated to do well in school, and that's a main priority of yours, you can smoke weed and still do well. I'm in my fourth year of college and im doing premed and I smoke once or twice a week and still do well. Just gotta have the right mindset. I'm not telling you to smoke, but just know that its no worse for you than alcohol. And its a lot better for you than cigarettes.
brandsofcigarette.blogspot.com Top Ten Best Cigarette Brands Cigarette is the most addictive thing in the whole universe. Although people know ...
What is the difference between cigarette tobacco and pipe tobacco? I was at the store and seen two different types of tobacco. One bag said cigarette tobacco and another said pipe tobacco. I tried a pipe tobacco cigarette and it just seemed a little harsher than cigarette tobacco and the smell to. Ive also noticed that pipe tobacco is alot cheaper than cigarette tobacco. I smoke marlboro or usa gold sometimes and trying to get a tobacco close to them. Regular. Is their a brand of cig or pipe tobacco close to them? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters I have been in the tobacco industry for many years so I think I can help point out a few things.
Cigarette tobacco or rolling tobacco is fine cut and used to make self-made or hand-rolled cigarettes. Pipe tobacco, on the other hand, is more coarse and more moist and is used for pipe smoking.
Rolling tobaccos won't work on pipes as they are too fine. They won't allow enough air to flow through the pipe. Also they burn hotter and faster while pipe tobacco which is moist and coarse and are a heavier mix tend to burn more slowly making it ideal for pipe smoking.
Is it ok to take yasmin birth control and smoke? hi im 18 and have recently been prescribed yasmin birth control for my painful and irregular periods. i forgot to mention to my doctor that i smoke as she didnt ask me. ive been reading through the booklet and i read something about increased risk of blood clots if you are a smoker, how serious is this risk? i dont smoke heavily, between 2-5 cigarettes a day on average. should i switch to a different pill or is there not a high enough risk? thanks for your help. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters The doctor that prescribed Yazmin is a HACK and possibly a QUACK because Yasmin and Yaz are involved in major lawsuits right now. The BAYER pharmaceutical makes that junk and it is very dangerous and has caused all kinds of health problems for women. You need to find a real doctor that actually cares about your health.
The BAYER pharmaceutical company is NOT a CREDIBLE, MORAL company. Watch this video and see what they did to hemophiliacs around the world with their injectable they knew was tainted:
The truth is that ALL birth control pills affect your endocrine and that is a system of several organs in your body that is very complex and when you affect one of the organs in that system, you affect them all. It's one reason birth control pills cause you to gain weight because the thyroid is one of the organs in that system. The "feed back loops" that regulate functions in the body are affected. The so called "adjustment period" is your body defending itself from the damage it is doing. No one that is committed to giving or taking these pills is willing to face the truth. In fact, did you know that birth control pills contain less hormones now than they did for several years after they were approved by the FDA? Doesn't it seem odd that this fact was never widely publicized? They determined that breast cancer had increased due to the pill and made the changes. So, let's see, if you decrease the poison and it doesn't cause cancer, who's to say that other contributory factors won't also increase your chances of breast cancer that is now epidemic with 1 in 7 women getting breast cancer.
The adrenal glands are part of the endocrine system, as well as the pancreas. Does diabetes and bad menopausal problems ring any bells? No, you most likely won't find any so called "scientific study" that will back up this concept, but who are you going to believe? Doctors and drug companies that stand to make billions on this and that by the way, have no answers to why cancer by the year 2010 will be the number one killer in America over heart disease. And that statistic is due to how we have learned to keep people on life support drugs and give them "MAKE BELIEVE HEALTH." An interesting fact that makes me very concerned about what drug companies and the FDA are doing about this issue is that last year 10,000 to 20,000 max. people died from using illegal street drugs in the U.S. That sounds bad and our war on drugs is a total joke that is NOT winning that war. A few battles here and there, but the problem goes on and on. Last year, over 106,000 people died in hospitals in the U.S. from taking doctor prescribed medications that were FDA approved for the symptoms and correctly administered. That is almost 11 times the people dying from illegal drugs. Does that sound like a good system to you? Does that sound like we are waging war on the right problem? And that number are the people that died; just think of the ones that survived and were damaged by the drugs and still living as if they were on life support pills. I cannot put my trust in that system to look out for me in any way and people who do are paying the price each day.
Those symptoms you are having is your body trying to tell you something; I would listen very carefully to it. Your body has an innate intelligence that so called "modern" medicine does not.
There are many other methods of birth control that do NOT affect your body in a negative way. Remember, it's not just the symptoms you need to address, but what those symptoms are trying to tell you.
Is it illegal in the USA to buy Clove cigarettes online from Indonesia? After the United States ban on the selling of clove, and other flavored cigarettes (like Djarum) - is it still legal for them to be purchased, online, from Indonesia? Is the ban against ownership/purchasing, or against the stores in the US that could sell them to minors? If we have packs left over from the pre-ban period, are they still legal? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Here is what I've been able to piece together about the flavored cigarette ban in H.R. 1256. This is not a definitive answer; as of yet, I can't find a clear answer from an authoritative source.
Nicotine or a specific combination of nicotine have not been scheduled in accordance with the Controlled Substances Act. (1) As I understand it, the FDA regulates the sale and importation of products, but in order to ban a food or drug entirely, it has to be scheduled in accordance with the CSA. The CSA is administered by the DEA, not the FDA. I can find no indication that a person is not allowed to possess or consume tobacco cigarettes with clove or other fruit flavorings. Currently, you can still purchase loose flavored tobacco, including clove infused tobacco, for rolling, pipe or hookah use. Accordingly, this shows that you can have a clove cigarette and smoke it.
That being said, here is the exact text from H.R. 1256 relating to flavored cigarettes. I am not an attorney, juror, or legislator, but I could not find one other section in the bill that went into further detail on what this text may mean.
‘(A) SPECIAL RULE FOR CIGARETTES- Beginning 3 months after the date of enactment of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, a cigarette or any of its component parts (including the tobacco, filter, or paper) shall not contain, as a constituent (including a smoke constituent) or additive, an artificial or natural flavor (other than tobacco or menthol) or an herb or spice, including strawberry, grape, orange, clove, cinnamon, pineapple, vanilla, coconut, licorice, cocoa, chocolate, cherry, or coffee, that is a characterizing flavor of the tobacco product or tobacco smoke. Nothing in this subparagraph shall be construed to limit the Secretary’s authority to take action under this section or other sections of this Act applicable to menthol or any artificial or natural flavor, herb, or spice not specified in this subparagraph.' (2)
As far as the health risks of cloves versus traditional cigarettes, well, there isn't any difference. The only studies I have been able to find indicated that the higher the tar and nicotine levels, the higher the health risks. (3) These people are under the impression that many cloves have higher concentrations of tar and nicotine than traditional cigarettes commonly available in the US, however the kretek imported into the US had both reduced tar and nicotine levels of about (4). In example: (5)
Djarm Black Tar 25 mg Nicotine 1.6 mg
Djarm Black Slimz Tar 18 mg Nicotine 1.2 mg
Wismilak Diplomat Tar 35 mg Nicotine 1.7 mg
as imported in US Tar 10-12 mg Nicotine 1 mg (4)
Traditional Tobacco Cigarettes:
Marlboros Tar 13 mg Nicotine 1.0 mg
Lucky Strikes Tar 12 mg Nicotine 1.0 mg
Zins Mild (Netherlands) Tar 10 mg Nicotine 0.9 mg
Tali Jagat Filter (China) Tar 20 mg Nicotine 1.7 mg
But they didn't target cloves because of their health concerns, they targeted them for being flavors that kids may possibly like. The segment of the populace that smoked flavored cigarettes is so small that even if it doubled, you wouldn't save nearly enough to make a dent in the real numbers. See (6) and (7).
Lastly, to throw my two cents in. I like fruit loops, cocoa crispies and cereals with marshmallows. I like Belgian lambics and other beer that is made or flavored with fruit or fruit tasting additives. I like chocolate milk, whole milk, and I think ice cream is better with chocolate and strawberry sauce and a cherry on top. I also am a fan of those flavored condoms. Since my use of these products in my own home in no way affects any of you, I kindly ask that you mind your home while I mind mine.
Everyone is so willing to give up freedom to 'save even one life' and all I am remind of is all of the men who lined up to die so that we could have freedom in the first place. Why now must we give up freedom to save lives when we chose to give lives to gain it?
"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
For me, I find some happiness sitting down after a good meal and smoking a clove, much in the way that our forefathers enjoyed a pipe after dinner.
Call to Marlboro's toll free consumer hotline regarding the new FSC Cigarettes. Then I was transfered to Phillip Morris' consumer hotline.
Is smoking one cigarette while breastfeeding bad? I wanted to try a clove because there illegal now an I've never tried them. and I'm breastfeeding my 15 month old daughter still. I haven't smoked with whole time while breastfeeding her. I was just wondering if its bad for her in anyway? I don't plan on smoking anymore I just wanted to try that. I use to smoke when I was like 15 but not now. Sorry off topic. Is it bad that I smoked 1 cigarette while breastfeeding her? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker cloves are illegal now?! wtf?
anyways, here--
Should a mother who smokes cigarettes breastfeed?
First of all, a mom who can't stop smoking should breastfeed. Breastfeeding provides many immunities that help your baby fight illness and can even help counteract some of the effects of cigarette smoke on your baby: for example, breastfeeding has been shown to decrease the negative effects of cigarette smoke on a baby's lungs. It's definitely better if breastfeeding moms not smoke, but if you can't stop or cut down, then it is better to smoke and breastfeed than to smoke and formula feed.
The more cigarettes that you smoke, the greater the health risks for you and your baby. If you can't stop smoking, or don't want to stop smoking, it's safer for your baby if you cut down on the number of cigarettes that you smoke.
eta: I should add, the problem with cigarette smoke and babies is the third hand smoke thing. if you're smoking, put on a jacket or change your shirt before you breast feed so that your baby is not breathing in third hand smoke. when your baby is breast feeding, he or she is not inhaling any smoke from your milk, know what I mean? it's more like there's the sort of chemicals in your milk that are in the cigarette, so your baby will digest those, rather than breathing them in (given that you change your clothes and prevent third hand smoke exposure). there's a difference between the lungs and the stomach -- not that digesting smokey breast milk is GOOD but your baby won't be breathing in the smoke. does that make sense? people think that if you smoke and breast feed it's like smoking around your baby and there's a difference. just to clarify.
cigarette smoke has about an hour and a half half-life, if I remember correctly. it takes about an hour and a half for it to get half way out of your breast milk, essentially. digesting tobacco and nicotine out of breast milk may possibly make your baby more colicky or make them have a stomach ache but it also might not have an effect on them. I am a one-or-two-a-day-smoker and I've never had any problems. I breast feed then smoke a cigarette if I want.
Dalvery Blackwell of the African American Breastfeeding Network of Milwaukee encourages all moms to breastfeed - even moms who smoke up to 10-15 ...
What's with all these kids smoking newports? I see like 14 year old kids walking around with newports.
I mean I've been smoking since I was 15 and even all my friends smoke newports.
I think they taste like crap. Best Answer - Chosen by Asker Funny you should ask..........I worked in a group home once, and Newports were INDEED the preferred currency.
It's like childrens first real cigarettes. Ya have the candy cigarettes.......and then ya have the bubble gum cigarettes, and then the next step, is the real deal........so you get some minty Newports.
Like, nicotine light.
Then maybe ya grow up a little, and be bold and brave and try a Marlboro Light or something,
The kids who want to be cool.........maybe go for a filter free Joe Camel.....(and usually gag on them)
Newports let them smoke.......but don't tax them tooooooooo much, just yet.
Did you know, back in the days of Cigarette advertising, the ads MOST OFTEN found near SCHOOLS, were Newports and Joe Camel?
This was no accident. Newports, because they were MILD, and Camels, because KIDS LIKED the cool Joe Camel character.
It was SPECIFICALLY created and GEARED towards children.
Not one but 3 Winston ads featuring the Flintstones of all people. FOr more of your favorite cartoon characters pimping out products on dvd visit ...
Where can you buy cheap cigarettes online in the uk? Looking to buy seriously cheap cigarettes (Preferably Marlboro lights) online in the uk? Any websites? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters there are many sites selling cigarettes but not all them are safe. I personally was ripped off two times, one store just took my money and sent nothing, another vendor sent stale Ukrainan cigarettes. Unfortunately it's not easy to find an honest supplier! I'll advise to check the prices at http://www.azcigs.com/ their cigs are of high quality and much cheaper thn here in NY
www.smokerjim.net How cheap do you consider are these cigarettes? It might sound surprising to an individual that buying some cheap cigarettes ...