Can You Make Your Own Chewing Tobacco/Snuff Out Of Cigarette Tobacco?
I am curious if this can be done. I am now in the part of the world where I cannot buy chewing tobacco or snuff so I am wondering if I can use cigarette tobacco to create my own snuff.
I am interested in real answers not " look in wikipedia' , 'search yahoo or "order inline". Duh!
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Normally chewing tobacco is smoke cured as opposed to the smokeless dry cure for cigarette tobacco and chewing tobacco is usually sweetened with molases or other sweetener. So you couldn't really make chewing tobacco properly from cigareete tobacco. But you might be able to use pipe tobacco if you can get that (not sure where you are in the world, but tobacco is pretty common). You could grow your own, but curring is tricky, storage difficult.
I think I might try to get some pipe or cigar tobacco, sweeten to taste with molases, maybe add a little flavoring (what is your prefered brand? you might be able to find the flavoring used).
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