How does smoking work with anxiety?
I have anxiety, and I recently tried smoking cigarettes, and I seem to be very calm now. Does it really help to calm nerves? And on top of that, I feel kind of bad for smoking as I am usually against drugs or smoking and what not. Just asking!
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Different people react differently to nicotine, but most people say it has a calming effect.
However, the calming effect of nicotine is very short-lived. This is how people get addicted...they like the effect of the drug, and they keep smoking to feel that way, rather than learning how to produce that same effect on their own. In many respects, it is very similar to how people get addicted to prescription anti-anxiety drugs like Xanax or other benzodiazepines.
I think it makes sense that you feel bad for smoking though--it is not good for your body, and it can become very addictive for some people.
I recommend finding other ways to address your anxiety. I personally find herbal tea to be a safer and more effective way to reduce anxiety and relax. The act of drinking a hot beverage can be relaxing, but there are also herbal teas that are safe, but have mild relaxing effects. I wrote an article on this recently:…
You can also gain greater control over your mind and body, and learn to relax more easily and readily, through practicing meditation, mindfulness, and through learning to confront your fears, and learning how to better understand and shape your thoughts and beliefs.
I also wrote a page about other (non-drug) approaches to anxiety:…
I hope you find these two pages useful! Good luck! You are right that smoking can have a relaxing effect, but you are smart to be wary of this, and you are probably wise to want to stay away from smoking and find better ways to address your anxiety in the long-run!
Smoking Cigarettes Journey/ Day 1/ No More Yesterday, I decided smoking would no longer be a part of me. I hate the smell of smoke in my clothes ...