What kind of rolling tobacco should I buy?
I'm going to start rolling my own cigarettes. Its much cheaper that way. My favourite type of smoke is either Belmont's or Canadian Classics if that helps. What kind of Canadian tobacco can I buy at a convience store and how much will it be?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Convenience stores tend to carry only popular brands, you will have a greater selection at a Tobacconist Shop where the proprietor can answer all your questions. (It’s a quiet, unhurried and fragrant experience.)
Remember, cigarette tobacco is not the same as pipe tobacco nor are all rolling papers the same. 8Oz. runs about $25 and will produce far more cigarettes in a month than would a $75 carton. Good luck and enjoy your trip.
This is a step by step video on how to roll your own cigarettes. this will save you money and you will smoke less. I use pipe tobacco now the cans ...