Will banning smoking in cars create employment in the UK if it comes into force?
I see the National Socialists for Health have now came up with the idea to ban smoking in cars and I was wondering if this enforcement act for the benefit for society would create employment for Smoke Wardens?
Or would there be a Smoke-line you could call reporting the fact that a Red Fiesta has just stopped at the Pelican Crossing at the junction where Asda is in town and a male and female with 2 children and a dog were observed smoking in the confines of their vehicle.I don't mean the children and the dog were smoking just the 2 adults.You would give them the registration number of the car and the Smoke Wardens would descend in snazzy cars to stop and arrested the smokers.If the cigarettes had been extinguished then the Smoke Wardens would have a device that could detect nicotine levels in the vehicle and a fixed penalty could be given and a Social Worker contacted to ascertain that the minors in the smokers car were not needing being taken into care for the wilful neglect to their health by their parents.
Or all cars could be fitted with a sprinkler system that activates upon the detection of smoke.
Just think of the boffins in garden sheds inventing the device and the queues for getting on the Dragons Den to convince the Dragons to invest in the future of anti smoking devices for vehicles.
Would there be Police Involvement if by happenstance the crime was committed on a motorway and just think of the tailbacks as the smokers were tackled on the M25.
Why I can see a new industry being created as I write this and could this be a solution to the rising unemployment in State Britain?
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Freedom, Democracy.......What happened?.....Where did this dictatorship spring from and when did the British people turn from British bulldog, to pathetic servile cowardly obedient little poodle?....Christ almighty WHAT has happened to the British??????????? The French say that if the government ordered the British to eat their own sh*t, they would do it......I think the French are right. What a spineless nation they are.
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