How is making cigarette manufacturers put disturbing images on their packs even legal?
A series of gruesome pictures depicting emaciated lung cancer patients, a dead body in a morgue, a baby confined to a respirator will now be put on cigarette packages. This is now something the FDA is doing. Why are cigarette companies forced to do this. Why does McDonalds not have to put pictures of fat people on their bags. It seems like a breach of freedom to me. Its not as if people don't already know what smoking does to you.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
The problem is the world has become so "sue happy" that the government has been forced to step in and regulate things like tobacco and alcohol. The government also realizes that tobacco is a good cash crop so they come up with these stupid ideas like the pictures to help and persuade people to not smoke. In doing this they also appease the individuals wanting more regulation. they know that the pictures are not going to cost the tabacco companies too much more money and at the same time they wont stop people from buying tobacco. Its a half a%$ way of keeping everyone happy. If they really did not want people to smoke there are more effective ways to do it, this one keeps everyone happy for now. film showing new plain packaging - dropshothero www ...