What should I do about my husband and his smoking?
This is a little complicated...My husband has smoked since he was 8 years old. Marlboro reds. The week after we were married, my mom found out she had lung cancer and died a week later. At that moment, he swore he would never smoke again.
I have found 3 receipts for cigarettes in his work pants over the past couple months. He swears he doesn't smoke. One of his employers (it was just a one-day job) said that he saw my husband smoking. My husband said that it was just that one time because he was nervous. When I asked him about the receipts, he told me that he bought cigarettes for his coworker because he didn't have money.
His car smells like cigarette smoke. He says that is because he transports other workers who smoke cigarettes.
He admitted that he smoked a cigarette the day I gave birth to our daughter, but other than that, swears up and down that he doesn't smoke...ever.
How do I deal with this? I love him, but feel he doesn't care about his family.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Sorry but I really need to yell at some of these posters. Please bear with me for a moment while I do this.
I am so tired of hearing this utter crapola about how addictive nicotine is and about all these horrible withdrawal symptoms that the potential quitter will have to experience . No wonder people have such a hard time quitting, they actually believe these lies and of course don't look forward to going through that experience. You heard me nicotine withdrawal is really no big deal and in fact it's a rather easy and only mildly uncomfortable experience. There is no retching, no fetal positions, no shakes ,nothing nada .
How do i know this ? Empirically
I was a 2+ pack a day smoker for 23 years. I used to smoke camel straights
10 years ago 12/19/96 I looked over at the woman who unfortunately is now my ex-wife and figured the greatest Christmas present I could give her was me living longer so we could enjoy more time together. I stopped smoking cold turkey and haven't had one since. The first week was annoying but I've recovered from operations and orthopedic injuries that had first weeks that were much worse .
I made a discovery; the hardest part about quitting smoking is not the nicotene-that's easy- but rather the habit itself. Think of all those things that you do that you have cigarette with;
long distance solo driving, a couple of drinks, a cup of coffee , possibly after sex ,who knows ?Now you have to change those habits . Plus there is the oral fixation component - which is why people get fat . Yes going without a cigarette for a week is annoying but it's by no means as difficult as people make it out to be.
good luck