What is the percentage of people surviving stage 3b lung cancer?
Cancer has reached an area in the brain? My dad has cancer, just wondering how long will he live. He was diagnosed about a month ago?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
If the lung cancer has metastasized to the brain, it is stage IV.
Survival at five years is 1% or one in a hundred.
I personally have never seen a patient like this survive more than two years,
and I saw hundreds of stage IV lung cancer patients.
The following reference lists average length of survival at eight months.
That would fit with my experience. That is an average.
I lost some at less that six months and a few made it a year.
Of course his medical oncologist or radiation oncologist who know your dad
and his medical history would be the best ones to make guesses regarding
survival. Go with your dad and ask them when your dad has a doctor's appointment.
We have not seen your dad nor his x-ray studies.
You have not even given us his age.
So all we can do is show you statistics.
He's had radiation ? Where - to the chest or the head or both ?
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Sorry to give you such bad news. I assume people on this site want honest answers.
Was your dad a cigarette smoker ? Every single one of the many hundreds of people
with lung cancers I saw in North Carolina had been a smoker. I estimated that the
average person I saw with lung cancer had smoked half a million cigarettes before
their diagnosis was made. Smoking causes 90% of the lung cancers in men.
In this video, Dr. Eric "Rocky" Feuer discusses a paper in which he and colleagues supported by the National Cancer Institute used ...