What affect would this have on an unborn baby?
Okay, I'm not pregnant nor do I plan to be I was just wondering the affect that Cannabis would have on an unborn child?
Along with smoking cigarettes and drinking.
I know that smoking can decrease the oxygen that gets to the baby, so it's heart has to work harder.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Cannabis, or any drug can lead to miscarraige at any stage of a pregnancy.It can lead to an early labour or fetal death.The child is at a higher risk or developing learning difficulties along with problems with kidneys and the brain in later life. Consumption of herion can lead to brain hemmorage and is the most dangerous drug to take while pregnant as it can lead to not only fetal death but infant death aswell. Any drug that contains nicotine blocks off the oxygen the baby needs to grow so if the mother smokes while pregnant it is likely that the baby will be smaller than average. Smoking has been proven to lead to problems such as cerebal palsy and mental retardation and it can sometimes rupture the membranes on the baby's back. Alcohol can have many affects on an unborn baby. They can be born with F.A.S, symtoms of which are unusual facial features and light weight. Alcohol can cause learning problems later in life and babies are at high risk of having heart defects and joint/limb abnormalities. Alcohol can lead to miscarraige at any stage of the pregnancy
1)Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking cigarettes - Smoking KILLS. 2)One in two ...