What Cigarette Brands to buy for Science Experiment?
My daughter is doing a science fair project regarding affects of smoking. She needs to run experiments with 3 different types of cigarettes. We think we are going to use 1 pack of reg. cigarettes, 1 light and 1 ultra-light. Can you suggest brand names that will prove that smoking is bad and that the 3 types she chose are correct or change it to something else.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Brand won't make a difference that you will be able to detect. Low Tar cig's use perforations in the wrapper paper of the filter to allow air to be drawn in and dilute the smoke.
Trust me I have done smoke tests for product testing. There is basically no detectable difference in cig smoke between brands and types. Exposing white cloth strips to a few minutes of cig smoke is enough to cause yellowing and staining to ocurr.
If you notice the inside of the smoke tester in the link above you see that it looks like an ash tray and this is only after 100 hrs of operation. Everything inside gets coated with tar. The purpose of this machine was to keep lighting cigarettes so as to provide smoke for 300hours of smoke exposure to an electronic device used in cars and to see the long term effects smoke might have on such a device. We would burn through a few hundred packs in a given test, notice the hopper filled with cig's. (6 packs)
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