Are cigars and pipes better for your health than smoking cigarettes?
Hello guys,
I am wondering if cigar and pipe smoking is better than for your health than smoking cigarettes, and why? I am currently a non-smoker, but I am interested in starting, but I do not want to ruin my health, and am wondering what the "safer" choice is. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Pipe tobacco is generally moist and can lead to a lot of tar build up in your lungs, cigars you wouldn't generally inhale so unless you like the flavor of them I wouldn't do that because they will irritate your lungs fairly fast if you inhale them.
Over all I would say either of them would be a better option over cigarettes, but none of the three are healthy if that's what your asking. If you plan to be a casual smoker I would probably start with pipe you can get flavored tobacco which tastes pretty good in my opinion even if not inhaling it, then the health risks from it would be smaller.
I made program film for teenage smokers and those considering smoking. It doesn't look at the health issues. It looks at the industry that ...