Ideas on how to store my empty Camel cigarette packs that I collect?
Hi, I collect empty camel cigarette packs, any suggestions on where I can put them as a display? I don't want to put them on a table or a piece of furniture, I was thinking of something similar to an album where I could see both sides of each pack. Thanks for the help.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
I live in China. My daughter, who lives in Australia, collects Chinese brand cigarette packets (full) as they are unseen in Australia and they are a good talking point. She has about 200 different ones but I always buy 2 of each for her so she can display front and reverse, side by side.
Get a colour scan of the reverse to display with the front or you can even scan front and back and display that in a frame whilst keeping the originals out of harms way.
My daughter displays hers on glass shelving specially made.
Interesting looking rotoscoped ad for Camel cigarettes. I'm not sure when this originally aired as it was pulled from a show featuring a ...