Does Georgia have the safesmoke cigarettes now?
i saw a news report on safesmoke cigarettes in NY, but i live in GA and smoke Newports, and my cigs seem to go out if i let them burn for just a min
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They are called fire safe cigarettes (FSC) and tobacco companies are making them because our state governments are requiring it. Yes, they are much worse for you than normal cigarettes:…
Georgia signed the requirement into law on April 30, 2008 and it will officially go into effect January 1, 2010. Every state has legislation requiring FSC even though some haven't went into effect yet:…
With so many states requiring it, most cigarette companies are simply switching everything over. So people in all states are getting them now. This is understandable from a production standpoint. It would be a mess for the companies to keep track of when the laws go into effect for each state and to make sure that they shipped the non-FSC only to states that don't have it yet. If they mess up and send them to the wrong state, they'd have very steep fines to pay.
The laws require that ALL pre-made cigarettes have FSC. The tobacco companies don't have a choice. Even organic, additive-free brands like American Spirit have to comply if they want to sell cigarettes in that state.
Cigars and filtered tubes for rolling your own cigarettes are not included in the legislation. That doesn't mean that the government won't someday attack them too. is reviewing the Premium Electronic Cigarette Kit that is on sale with free shipping. This is a great product that ...