Has anyone out there bought cigarettes online?
and if so who is the best and how do you get started with them.It seems to me you have to go though a bunch of crap just to make a order for them. i really hope i get honest answers to this question.I know smoking is bad for me but that's another story,just like to know if i can get them cheaper online.
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Many states are getting court orders for on-line sellers to release their records and then sending out bills for state taxes. It happened to a friend of mine so I know my state does it (Ohio).
However, I don't have to worry too much about it because I roll my own and the taxes are lower even if they do send me a bill (the on-line seller charges for the federal tax). Another thing that has happened is that some companies who previously made cigarette tobacco is now cutting their tobacco a little larger and labeling it as "pipe cut". It is the same baccy and stuffs just fine and tastes the same---only the expensive SCHIP taxes doesn't apply to anything labeled as "pipe cut" so it's MUCH cheaper.
I order a premium tobacco on-line and roll my own filtered cigarettes for about $17 a carton. But even if they were the same price as pre-mades, I would still roll my own because the taste is SO much better. The tobaccos I like best are Ryback (a dark halfzware) and Three Sails (a bright Virginia). So far, I haven't received any tax bills from my state but even if I do, they'll be small since it isn't labeled as a cigarette tobacco. Plus, I think they are only targeting the cigarette smokers anyway.
For more info on rolling your own, this is a great forum that I've learned a lot from:
Or if you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me.
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