Are light cigarettes healthier for you than reds?
I know I'm probably going to get some stupid answers, but you get addicted, and you'll find yourself asking the same question, so save it.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
The tobacco in light cigarettes is just stale old tobacco, that was in the reds. All cigarettes (excluding American Spirits) are filled with chemicals that are burned when smoked. It has not been studied as to whether or not there is an adverse effect of long term use of cigarettes due to chemical additives, but being a chemist, I can tell you that just inhaling the vapors from certain compounds can give you chemical pnemonia, that is just from one lab experiment. Also, all cigarettes contain nicotine that is highly addictive and carcinogens that will mutate cells to replicate uncontrollably ultimately resulting in lung cancer. However, I have found that people that smoke lights tend to get sicker more often because they smoke more often than someone who smokes red do. The last is just a theory, but I have experienced all of this and researched all of this because I, myself, do chainsmoke the hell out of some cigarettes.
On a side note, non-menthols are healthier than menthols because nonmenthols do not contain fiber glass that contributes to the minty flavour that will cut up your throat over an allotted amount of time.
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