Chew vs. cigarettes in short health effects?
It seems like people develop problems quicker with chewing tobacco in like 2-5 years. Rather who people who smoke cigs their whole life?
i started chewing out of depression. and have done it 3 months trying to quit and just doing it while being happy. But I already get bumps in my mouth.
Is it just my experience knowing people who smoke don't have any problems yet even though they have done it for like 30 years. Or is it the same?
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the problems are different..but cancer usually is the end result..and not everyone will of course develop severe health problems from smoking..but the percentage is very low. less than 1 percent. most develop COPD, a irreversible damage to the alveoli of your lungs. other breathing problems, high blood pressure, GERD, heart disease, and of course cancer. COPD, and heart issues can occur very fast..within a few years of smoking..which is also deadly
the trouble with chew is, the tobacco is in direct contact with the skin and is absorbed through the hence can create cancer faster..of course the cancer usually occurs in the lip and jaw area, throat and stomach..since typically some of the tobacco is swallowed. either way, the health issues are horrible when you use tobacco in any form
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