Should Cigarettes be made illegal and labeled as a drug, and should Marijuana be legalized?
Cigarettes kill millions, marijuana helps millions.
Cigarettes, like meth, are man made from harmful chemicals. Marijuana is a plant.
Effects of Alcohol are worse than that of marijuana
What are you're thoughts?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Anti-smoking zealots want cigarettes outlawed because they cause cancer due to the ingredients. Marijuana has at least 10x the cancer causing agents than tobacco. Yet it should be legalized?
Those that do want marijuana legalized, think real hard....who is going to regulate it, the government? Who will oversee the growth, purity, manufacturing process? With cigarettes over $5 a pack due to taxes, how much do you think a joint will cost when the government gets involved? Be careful what you wish for.
that e cigarettes electronics cigarettes are incredible because they will release water vapor not nicotine. Actually addition of cigarettes ...