Are menthol cigarettes worse for you than regular cigarettes?
I know its unhealthy no matter what, but I heard that menthol cigarettes are the worst for you because they form crap in your lungs.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Menthol in a cigarette is something that most smokers either love or hate. The menthol itself isn't worse for you. But smokers who smoke menthol cigarettes are more likely to inhale deeper with each drag on their cigarette, and potentially take in more nicotine than do smokers of non-menthol cigarettes. In other words, they tend to be more nicotine dependent than non-menthol smokers. Menthol stimulates the cold receptors in the throat, producing a cooling sensation, so menthol smokers find the smoke less irritating as they inhale. Menthol also tends to make a smoker feel a little more comfortable because it soothes, or cools, the airway, and the smoke may not be as irritating to the smoker. Consequently, menthol smokers tend to inhale more deeply than their non-menthol counterparts, which may lead to more exposure to cigarette smoke. NEW NEW NEW ...