How long will it take for an E-cigarette to pay for itself through savings on cartridges vs packs?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
It depends on how much you smoke and what kind of electric cigarette you buy, but the short answer is immediately. If you bought one of those $150 rip-off models (Greensmoke, SmokingEverywhere, etc.) it will take you longer. The consumable parts that you need to buy to resupply those models cost more, too and, frankly, they are far inferior products. I did a lot of research before I bought one and all of the forums were basically saying the Joye 510 was the best with a DSE901 being second (I have both, now, but like the Joye 510 slightly better than the DSE901).
I bought a 30ml bottle of e-liquid along with my Joye 510 starter kit and a pack of extra blank cartridges. The starter kit cost me $48.99 (including free shipping), a ten pack of blank cartridges was $8.99 and the e-liquid was $15.99. The place I got mine from only gives free shipping on the starter kits, so I had to kick in an extra $9.99 for shipping because of the extra stuff. The total cost was $83.96. Sounds like a lot, right?
I smoked a pack-and-a-half of regular cigarettes a day or a carton a week. Here, in Florida, a carton of Marlboros runs about $55.00. So, in two weeks time, I'd dump $110 on cigarettes, The stuff I bought lasted me a month, saving me roughly $136 my first month (and yes, after my last pack of regular smokes was gone, I never bought another one).
Now, I buy 30ml of e-liquid every month, one atomizer a month ($12.99), 10 blank cartridges per month ($8.99) and two batteries every other month (or one battery per month, which is $15.99). So, my total cost per month now is about $38/month. It beats the heck out of the $220/month I was spending on regular smokes!
How much you save on cigarettes and how fast will depend on how much you smoke, though. How much you save on your lungs and life is immeasurable! When I was smoking regular tobacco cigarettes, I used to wake up every morning coughing up half a lung. After a couple of days of smoking the e-cig, the morning coughing stopped. I feel better, smell better and can smoke wherever I want now with an electric cigarette!
Incidentally, I bought my starter kit and stuff from They were the cheapest I could find and one of the few places that provides a phone number so that I could actually talk to someone, ask questions and get answers. Buy cheap cigarettes in Albany NY. Don't pay high prices, you can buy name brand cigarettes for up to 65% off. Purchase ...